Fear 12/04/07

I lie down to my bed directly without any strength.
Imagining that snow is falling down and covering all of my body.

Maybe I can just sleep.....until the end of the world.

Yep, that's right. I'm scared, and scared what?!...I'm not sure,maybe...everything.
Recently, I'm confused that why my student life here isn't comfortable just like my college life.

and I can't concentrate on my study with peaceful mind just like before. The work is harder and I am thinking about the future. I'm kinda tired to make me reach the expectation. yep, maybe that's why I'm scared. I don't afraid to lose or be defeated, I'm afraid that I'm still survive and no ways out. That's I fear.

I don't know why as I grow up, there are more and more things I need to push myself on the right position........think carefully about every decision.

So I decide to try to get rid of the fear.......and enjoy more in my life....



I will....
